Are Some People Addicted To Feeling Rejected?

It can be said that although rejection is part of life, there are some people who suffer from it more than others. Now, sometimes this will be because of how someone lives his life.

For example, let's say that someone is an entrepreneur, constantly putting his ideas in front of different people. Someone like this will end up taking more risks (calculated risks), which means that they will not have the same degree of acceptance they might have if they had a normal job.


Alternatively, someone can be in their lifetime where they are looking for someone to have a relationship with. One can come out regularly in order to meet their match.

If you are a man approaching different women, unlike a woman who may only be able to wait for a man to reach her, for example, you will naturally face a fair amount of rejection. But in such cases, the rejection they face is merely a means to an end.

big difference

This naturally differs from someone who does not face rejection from time to time but is always rejected. Along with what happens externally, they may also have a tendency to feel rejected for no apparent reason.

Thus, it will not matter what is going on externally, because it will not prevent them from feeling as if they are unacceptable and they are worthless. Then a feeling does not come and go. It is something that has been rooted in their existence.


However, although this will be a feeling that has become a big part of their lives, this does not mean that the person will realize it. As a result, it may seem as if they are experiencing life this way just because of what is happening outside.

As a result of what is happening inside them, they will also feel rejected even if they don't. It will be as if they are wearing special glasses, which determine how they explain the behavior of others.

A common event

If someone like this is in a relationship, they may find that their partner doesn't treat them very well. However, instead of doing something about it or ending the relationship, they choose to endure what is going on.

They may struggle to remember when they feel accepted and appreciated for the last time, which may show how disruptive their relationship is. If they want to return to their lives, they may find that their previous relationships were no different.

Another scenario

Instead, someone like this still thinks about his last relationship, although it ended several months ago and was not functional. This may lead to their rejection as if they have no value.

Ergo, although it will not be a satisfactory relationship, it will still yearn for the person who treats them badly. Along with this, they can have moments when they wonder what it would be like with a different person.

It feels right

However, if they want to meet a different person and end up further, there is a strong chance that they will lose interest soon. This person will not treat them in a way that supports what they feel inside.

It doesn't matter if they want to be with someone before them before the relationship starts, because that won't be what a larger part of them want. This part of them will not feel comfortable unless they are with someone who verifies how they feel inside.
Two parts

Consciously, then, one can say that you will want to feel accepted and accepted by others, but this is not something that feels safe. Since the feeling of rejection is what feels safe on a deeper level, it will seem as if feeling this way is part of who they are.

In the end, the ego can form an identity around anything; it doesn't matter if it is empowerment or not. The only important thing is that it is familiar, and what is familiar is what is safe.

the death

So if you leave that feeling and no longer feel rejected all the time, it will seem like they have lost themselves. They will only know who they are when they feel rejected, so they don't feel that way anymore.

At some point in their lives, their ability was to think about feeling rejected because they felt safe. As days and weeks passed, feeling this way gradually became part of their identity.

The way back

What this can show is that their early years were a time when they were abused and / or neglected. Treatment in this way would have caused them a lot of pain, but there was nothing they could do about it.

The experience of all this pain and ill treatment was not good for them, yet it ended up feeling comfortable. Treating you differently, even if it meant dealing with love, was seen as a threat to their survival.


If someone takes all this into account, it will allow them to understand why they feel bad. Their behavior may be seen as irrational before, but now it will have more meaning.
If you can call this, and want to change your life, you may need to communicate for outside support. This is something that can happen with the help of a therapist or therapist.

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