Does Someone Want To Have Their Problems Solved If They Are Emotional?

If someone's emotions are not settled and everyone is at sea, so to speak, there is a chance that they will go through a difficult period. Or, they can show that something in their lives has had a big impact on them.

The next step for them may be to communicate with a friend or family member, for example, for support. When it comes to the person you are communicating with, this can be someone you know they can trust.

next step

When someone talks about what is happening to them, the other person may simply listen to what they say. Besides, this person may also validate what he says by showing anxiety and repeating some of what he said, among other things.

We may be pleased how this person responds and is grateful to spend time together. It will then be clear that they do not want this person to do anything to him; they simply wanted to be there.

Emotional containment

They lacked internal stability; that is why they were communicating with someone who could provide them with external stability. In the same way, drawing water from the sea and placing it in a bucket would gradually settle the water, and spending time around someone who had settled had a similar effect.

Therefore, thanks to the external structure provided by this person, spending time in his company would have allowed him to slowly regain his position. With this in mind, the only thing this person needed was the ability to retain space, not to be a shooter.

Two elements

This can be seen as an example of what happens when someone is completely differentiated from the female side. This part of them will give them the need to express what is going on for them.

What they don't want is for someone else to stop this or stop telling them what to do to change their lives. Like water, their emotions just want to go wherever they want to go, not restrict them in any way.

The other part

This is quite different from the masculine side, which wants to find a solution to the problem and push things forward. To this part, expressing and talking about feelings can seem a waste of time.

With that in mind, it can be easy to see why two people can collide when one is completely identified with its feminine nature and the other is completely determined by its masculine character. It will be difficult for these two people to communicate and feel as if they speak the same language.


A person who simply wants his feelings to be recognized can end up feeling nullified as if the other person doesn't care about them. It may seem as if this person doesn't get it.

On the other hand, a person who is in a problem-solving mode can think that the other is just wasting time and even acting like a child. They won't be able to understand why they don't want to hear what they can do to change their lives, so they can move on.
black and white

It would be easy to say that all women are emotional and that all men make sense, but life is not that black and white. There are men who can be more associated with the female side and women who can be more associated with the male side.

Just now this, no matter how closely someone is connected to one side, there are still moments when it has been completely identified with the other side. This may be what happens if someone's life changes in some way.


Let's say that someone loses a loved one, this can have a big impact on their behavior. Before this happened, they might have been an emotional person, but they were emotionally closed after that.

Then again, they might have been a very intellectual person, just to become very emotional after this happened. The change in behavior can continue for some time as well.


If someone with a friend or loved one defends emotional support, the only thing they may need to do is appear and listen. This can be difficult for them if they are used to solving problems, but this will be what the other person actually needs at this time in their lives.

It may take some time for them to get used to behaving this way if they are used behaving the opposite way. However, what would you do if you provided them with energy and could have a positive impact on their overall relationships.

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