There are a number of things that can make anyone suffering from incredible pain, breaking is one of these things. When someone experiences a breakup, they can feel as if they are over.
It doesn't matter if they have been with the other person for months or years, because the pain can erase them. One can then move from feeling on top of the world, to feeling as if at the bottom of the world.
fell on the ground
However, even if they do not feel this way, their feeling now is still quite different. One can have a physically strong body, a body covered with muscles, but it will have no effect on how they feel.
From the outside, then it will look strong, but they will feel incredibly weak from the inside. If they don't have an object like this, they will still feel much weaker than it actually looks.
Loss of control
Prior to this time point, they might have been fairly balanced, and they might also have found it fairly easy to deal with their feelings when not. Now, their emotions will be out of control, and it may be somewhat impossible to settle their emotions.
In fact, it may seem as if they are now at sea and there is very little they can do about it. One of their greatest needs can be to do everything in their power to regain control of their inner world.
One option
What one can end up, in order to experience support, is to communicate with their friends. It will be quite clear that they will not need to hide what they feel; they will rest because they are at risk.
The power they currently lack internally will be provided by people in their lives. In the same way that scaffolding withstands an unstable building; these people will withstand their unstable inner world.
In two ways
Because these people are able to be with them this way, they are likely to show that these people also have a good relationship with their feelings. Then they will not be separated emotionally or believe that there is anything wrong in being emotionally weak.
Instinctively, they may also realize that there is no one on their own island, and that there will be moments in everyone's life when they need emotional support. Thus, if you are not in good shape, you will also reach others in the same way.
Health approach
When one is not in a good way and communicates with others, it will prevent them from separating from what they feel. This will enable them to work through their pain.
This may take a few months or it may take longer, but the main thing is that it will allow this process to unfold. After a while, they are likely to gradually begin to settle, giving them the opportunity to find someone else.
Another result
Instead, they can end up using their minds to break away from their feelings, and this is likely to mean that they rarely come into contact with their pain. Even when this pain comes into their conscious consciousness, they will soon do everything they can to bring it back into the body.
This may mean that no one in their lives can open their doors, or it can appear that they do not feel comfortable communicating with others. Either way, this pain will remain trapped inside.
Split object
What this will do is allow them to settle down without having to work through their emotional pain. The downside of this approach is that it will not be possible for them to work as a complete human being.
Not only will they lose contact with their "bad" feelings, they will also lose their "good" feelings. Then they can come across a very flat person, and they may get a cold.
False elevations
By moving away from things that then allow for a sense of vitality, they can end up attracted to things that will artificially bring them life. This may mean that they will end up with alcohol and drugs, unlimited confrontations and / or they may go abroad frequently.
The downside is that the immediate sense of vitality they feel by engaging in such things will make it difficult for them to cope with their natural state. So it's easy to know why they're addicted to these things.
If someone like this is in contact with their pain, they may find that they are too ashamed to communicate with others. Maintaining this pain for themselves by separating from it, will then be a way for them to face safely.
With this in mind, it will be necessary to accept that there is nothing wrong with communicating with support. Even if someone else tries to shame them, it will simply show that the person has his own wounds to solve.
If one can call this, and want to change their lives, they may need help from a therapist or therapist.