Is It A Good Sign If Someone Is Extremely Attracted To Another Person?

While one can encounter another person and not really encounter anything, it can encounter another person, and it may be as if his being has been completely hijacked. But, although this is the case, this does not mean that one will see this as a bad thing.

One would lose control, but it would be seen as a sign that they had met someone suitable for them. Each part of their being will be green, and they are asked to proceed.


Therefore, this scenario is likely to be very similar to how it occurs if you search for a new car. There will be cars that don't do it for them, cars they like but don't like, and cars that are very attracted to them.

Then it would be a good idea for them to buy the car that really attracts them, and that's if they have the means to do it. If they end up with a car that does not do it for them, they are unlikely to enjoy the car.


So, just as they are attracted to a car, he will tell them that the car is suitable for them, as being strongly attracted to someone will tell them that peony is right for them. As a result, one will want to do what he can to take things further.

Another thing they might feel the need to do, having met like this, is to tell people in their lives what happened. They may end up telling these people that they met someone perfect for them.


Regardless of their emotional state before they meet this person, there is a strong chance of a radical change since that time point. If they are not in a good place, they will be now, and if they are in a good place, they are likely to feel better.

In fact, it may seem like they have been moved to another planet or the planet they live in is much better. Then it will not be necessary to be with that person to feel better; they will only need to think about it.

next step

Let's say that the other person is also attracted to them and that things are progressing, one can start thinking about the future. They may think about what it would be like to live with that person and even create a family with them, for example.

Now, over time, it may become clear that they are in a relationship with someone suitable for them. It was good to have their response the way they did, when they first called this person.

Another scenario

At the same time, what one might find is that this person is not good for them over time. Although this person may not be just a good match; it can end up being much worse.

For example, they could end up seeing that they are with someone verbally or physically abusing. Someone will be on one side of the emotional spectrum at first, just to go to the other side of it over time.


If one feels good at first and each part says "go for it", it may be difficult for them to understand how this can happen. One that may end up happening is that one feels as a victim.

It may seem like they have been deceived, and as a result, it would be natural for them to feel as if they had been exploited. However, just because it seems like they have played no part in what happened; this is unlikely to be so.
Potential red flag

What we are likely to show is that they were simply unaware of what was going on, which is why they had no reason to question what had happened and to allow themselves to do everything. Ergo, although strongly attracted to this person was seen as a positive thing, they were deceived by what happened inside them.

To understand what probably happened at this point in their lives, it will be necessary to take a closer look at why someone is attracting someone else. It would be easy to believe that this is something that usually happens when someone likes someone else's appearance and personality.

Look deeper

These two elements play a clear role, but they are factors at surface levels. There are other elements that play a bigger role in why one person is attracted to another person.

Below these elements at the surface level is the part occupied by someone's childhood on whom they are attracted. Consciously, one might need to be with someone who would be a good match for him, but, unconsciously, they would need to find someone who would allow them to solve their early wounds.

Repeated coercion

In another way, their conscious minds want them to be happy, while their unconscious minds will want them to evolve. With that in mind, the reason one feels so attractive to someone can be because of the fact that that person reminds them of one of their caregivers.

On a deeper level, part of them will want to repeat what happened all those past years and then solve it. Without realizing it, they will display what they have not received from caregivers to someone else, and over time, these positive expectations will begin to fade, they will be replaced by negative expectations and the true nature of the other person will begin to fade in.


Keeping this in mind, if someone feels a strong attraction to someone, it may be a good idea for them to step back and reverse. Doing so may save them a lot of pain in the long run.

What this confirms is that while the conscious mind can forget what happened in the past, the unconscious mind does not forget. This part will reveal why they are attracting certain people.

If one finds that they tend to attract the wrong people, they may need to communicate for outside support. This is something that can be offered with the help of a therapist or therapist.

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