Why Do Some People Only Feel Good About Themselves When They're In A Relationship?

What one may find is that they are able to feel good about themselves, even if they are not in a relationship. It will then be clear that they will not rely on anyone else to experience positive emotions.
This route is likely to prevent you from starting a relationship with someone just because they feel comfortable. It may be relatively easy for them to wait until they meet someone they really want.

Different need

So, if they end up with someone, it will show that they really want to share their lives with them. Not only will they be attractive, but there will also be values ​​in common.

This person will add something to their life, just as someone adds to the other person's life. However, what is exchanged between them will not be something they have to provide for themselves.

The big difference

In the end, one will behave as an interconnected human being, rather than a dependent human being. There will be something they can do for themselves and there will be something they cannot do.

Receiving positive feedback from their partner will naturally have a nourishing effect on them. What will be different here is that the fire that burns inside will not come out if this person disappears.


One way to understand this is to imagine that someone had a dog before he met that person, they would have a dog when they were with them, and they would have a dog if they ended up. This dog will be treated differently during these different stages, but it will remain there.

Their intrinsic value may take a slight decrease if their relationship ends, but it may not take long for it to rise again. Then they won't end up hating themselves at this point.

A balanced human being

In a way, their intrinsic level will serve as a safety net that prevents them from reaching rock bottom if their relationship ends. They will be more flexible than if they were not.

It may have taken them several years to reach this point in their development. During most of their lives, they probably depend on someone else; lacking the ability to experience positive emotions.

Different scenario

If, on the other hand, they are found unable to feel good about themselves unless they are in a relationship, they are likely to show that they are emotionally dependent on others when it comes to experiencing positive emotions.

Now, such a person may end up with almost anyone, or it may be more selective. In either case, they must end up putting a fair amount of pressure on someone else to make them feel good.


Without realizing it, one can look at the other person as a parent's personality. One would then be a child who missed something, and his partner would be an adult present to offer what they were sending.

One of the things that will make a person do what they can do to keep the relationship going, will be fear of what will happen if the relationship ends. The most important thing, then, is to make sure that they are not single.
Significant impact

Unlike the person mentioned above, one will get a dog when he is in a relationship but will never have a dog before and will not have a dog after him. Being in a relationship will not provoke the good emotions they are already experiencing; it will cause them to experience feelings they do not usually experience.

Because they do not usually suffer from these feelings, it would be natural for them to become dependent on their partner. This person will be seen as the source of these good feelings.

Long way down

Therefore, if this person has ended the relationship, it is likely to end up with a very low feeling. To make up for this, they may end up eating / drinking too much, or they can find someone else to fill the gap that has opened up.

If one wants to take a look at their life, they may find it always difficult to feel good about themselves. What this might show is that their young years were a time when they did not receive the kind of care they needed to develop it properly.


In other words, they may be abused and / or neglected when they are younger. The most important thing now, though, is that they are doing something about what is happening.

With the help of a therapist or therapist, for example, they will gradually be able to heal themselves. It all starts with them taking the first step and not giving up on themselves.

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